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Easily Hide IP Address using Free IP Hide

Free Hide IP Address

Why should Hide My IP?

Device those are connected to the Internet or other IP network is given a public unique IP address. Whenever we surf online, that IP address is transmitted and recorded in log files kept on those servers. Access logs leave behind a trail of your Internet activity. It is necessary for you to hide your real IP address to guard against any malicious behavior such as identity theft, etc. Hide IP address to protect yourself from hackers by concealing your IP address, making you effectively invisible online

C# Left Outer Joins With LINQ

I always considered Left Outer Join in LINQ to be complex until today when I had to use it in my application. I googled and the first result  gave a very nice explanation. The only difference between ordinary joins (inner joins) and left joins in LINQ is the use of “join into” and “DefaultIfEmpty()” expressions.
Consider this very simple query (Assuming a scenario that not all the TimesheetLines are associated with a Job)
Select TL.EntryDate, TL.Hours, J.JobName
From TimeSheetLines TL
Left Join Jobs J on TL.JobNo=J.JobNo

C# Reflection Examples

C# Reflection Examples

Reflection Examples [C#]

This example shows how to dynamically load assembly, how to create object instance, how to invoke method or how to get and set property value.

Create instance from assembly that is in your project References

The following examples create instances of DateTime class from the System assembly.

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-III

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

We already have learned about RSS, use of RSS in part-I as well as some Vocabulary of RSS and information of tags in part-II.

In this part-III, we will learn practical purpose of RSS. So be ready for that...

Building its personal RSS feed, step by step

At start, this is just a simple text file, created with any text editor. But an XML editor is more convenient. The name may be, for example: "feed.xml".

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-II

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I


  • Feed. It is a set of "item" tags, a set of infos or news.
  • RDF. RDF stands for Resource Description Framework.
  • Syndicated. Published through an RSS feed.
  • Syndication. Publishing data by RSS feeds.

Main RSS tags

rss. The global container.
channel. A distributing channel. It has several descriptive tags and holds one or several items.

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

What is RSS?

It is a format to share data, defined in the 1.0 version of XML. You can deliver information in this format at one can get this information, and information from other various sources, in this format. (With RSS it is possible to distribute up-to-date web content from one web site to thousands of other web sites around the world.) Information provided by a website in an XML file is called an RSS feed.
Recent browsers can read directly RSS files, but a special RSS reader or aggregator may be used too.

Simple Way of Creating RSS Feeds for Bloggers, Wordpress and Websites

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or it's sometimes referred to as Rich Site Summary. It's an XML-based content format for distributing news, headlines, content, etc.

Most popular sites, news sites and blogs provide RSS feeds for you to subscribe to. All you need is a feed reader to view its contents. Feed readers come in all shapes and sizes these days. The Firefox browser has one built right into the Bookmarks feature.

You can also create feeds for your own website so your audience can subscribe to them.