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Showing posts with label Browser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Browser. Show all posts

Easily Hide IP Address using Free IP Hide

Free Hide IP Address

Why should Hide My IP?

Device those are connected to the Internet or other IP network is given a public unique IP address. Whenever we surf online, that IP address is transmitted and recorded in log files kept on those servers. Access logs leave behind a trail of your Internet activity. It is necessary for you to hide your real IP address to guard against any malicious behavior such as identity theft, etc. Hide IP address to protect yourself from hackers by concealing your IP address, making you effectively invisible online

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-III

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

We already have learned about RSS, use of RSS in part-I as well as some Vocabulary of RSS and information of tags in part-II.

In this part-III, we will learn practical purpose of RSS. So be ready for that...

Building its personal RSS feed, step by step

At start, this is just a simple text file, created with any text editor. But an XML editor is more convenient. The name may be, for example: "feed.xml".

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-II

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I


  • Feed. It is a set of "item" tags, a set of infos or news.
  • RDF. RDF stands for Resource Description Framework.
  • Syndicated. Published through an RSS feed.
  • Syndication. Publishing data by RSS feeds.

Main RSS tags

rss. The global container.
channel. A distributing channel. It has several descriptive tags and holds one or several items.

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

Simple Way of Building And Using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Part-I

What is RSS?

It is a format to share data, defined in the 1.0 version of XML. You can deliver information in this format at one can get this information, and information from other various sources, in this format. (With RSS it is possible to distribute up-to-date web content from one web site to thousands of other web sites around the world.) Information provided by a website in an XML file is called an RSS feed.
Recent browsers can read directly RSS files, but a special RSS reader or aggregator may be used too.

Simple Way of Creating RSS Feeds for Bloggers, Wordpress and Websites

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or it's sometimes referred to as Rich Site Summary. It's an XML-based content format for distributing news, headlines, content, etc.

Most popular sites, news sites and blogs provide RSS feeds for you to subscribe to. All you need is a feed reader to view its contents. Feed readers come in all shapes and sizes these days. The Firefox browser has one built right into the Bookmarks feature.

You can also create feeds for your own website so your audience can subscribe to them.

Procedure to Download SWF Files

In this post, we have given step by step information to download SWF files. Suppose we have seen any swf file on website and you like that most. You want that swf file on your local machine so that you can use it any time. We always opens website on browsers so these methods are somewhat depend upon browsers also.

Here we have given information to download swf files using most popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari.

Steps to download SWF using Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari

Useful SEO Terms For Websites & Blogs

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the very important thing to get more traffic towards our websites or blogs. SEO is one of the parts of SEM which stands for Search Engine Marketing. If you have a website or if you want to be a blogger or earn money through the Internet then you need to know about SEO.

Here we are giving some useful SEO terms which leads to get more traffic to websites or blogs. Many search engines uses these SEO terms to indexing websites and creating crawl. Some of you may already know these SEO terms. These terms also used in Digital Marketing.

Submit Website or Blogs To Bing Search Engine to Get Traffic

There are many search engines which play the role to get traffic for websites or bloggers. Some of the world famous search engines names are here: Google Search, Yahoo Search, Bing etc. So, in this post we will see how to get good traffic from Bing.

Steps to submit URL to Bing Search Engine

Follow the following steps to submit URL to Bing search engine and get good traffic from them.

Step 1. Go to URL

Submenu cut-off problem in custom Drop down Menu bar of Blogger Template

Actually, I was faced this problem while adding drop down menu bar in blogger. I was googled but I was not found any solution. So that I was tried myself to edit that template and after working on that I was at the stage of success. It seems that, this problem happen only using a template made through Blogger Template Designer.

Suppose you have any horizontal menu bar which also having some sub-menus in. A menu is handy for those who do not require complex menus or prefer not to use one that requires scripts and/or too many images, also the installation and customization is quite simple, and to top it off is quite functional. This menu bar is already added by you in blogger. But after visiting website, it doesn’t showing any sub-menu even after hovered.

Difference between GET and POST Methods

In this article, we will discuss about difference between GET and POST Methods. So that it will usefull in your apllications.

GET Method ():

1) Data is appended to the URL.
2) Data is not secret.
3) It is a single call system.
4) Maximum data that can be sent is 256.

Remove or Replace Line Breaks using JavaScript

In web applications, whenever we add any textarea tag on the form to get some text from user. In textarea, user can write on new lines but while accessing that text if we don’t want such line breaks. Hence in this post, we will see how to remove line breaks from regular text using some simple javascript code.

Many times we simply think ki it is just a simple line break we don’t need to take care so much. But Line breaks in text are generally represented in three ways according to types of operating system.

List of HTML5 Block Level Elements

In this tutorial, we will discuss about one of the type of HTML5 elements i.e block level elements in HTML5. As in one of the article, we already have posted information about different types of HTML4 elements and difference between them. You can read that article by clicking on Read More...

HTML5 Block Level Elements

In general, HTML5 elements can be divided into two categories :

1. Block Level Elements
2. Inline Elements

Dynamically Create and Download HTML or Text File using JavaScript

Sometimes we need to create html/text file using content from text box and download that file using JavaScript. This post explains one of the best solutions on that using HTML5.

Following code will not used for IE as we are using download attribute of anchor tag which is not supported in IE browsers. This code will be useful to work on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari.

Here is the code with line by line full description of each line of code.

Installation of npm and Introduction to Browserify

Browserify is a development tool that use node.js-style modules means CommonJS module system for frontend JavaScript development. We write our modules in separate files, exporting external methods and properties using the module.exports and exportsvariables. We can even require other modules using the require function.

If we omit the relative path it'll resolve to the module in the node_modules directory.

Getting started with the browserify command-line tool requires node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed.

How to Prevent Default Behavior of Anchor Tag using JavaScript and jQuery

Many times we need to use anchor tag in html coding. For anchor tag we assign href attribute with URL. So that whenever user click on that it will redirect to URL given as a value of href attribute. But how to prevent this default functionality?

We can prevent this default behavior of anchor tag using JavaScript or jQuery.

Simply, if we assign # to the href then after clicking on it will not redirect to any URL but it will jump to top of screen.

<a href="#"> Click Here </a>

Disable Automatic updates of Google Chrome

Google Chrome performs automatic updates according to time period set to it. So that Chrome browser becomes more secure and stable. Whenever we connect device to internet, internet will be slower down due to automatic updation. Hence it is better to disable the automatic update procedure.

Following step will be uesfull to stop automatic updates from Google Chrome.

Step1: Open Google Chrome

Difference between LocalStorage, SessionStorage, Session and Cookie

localStorage, sessionStorage, session and cookie all these storage mechanisms will be specific to an individual browser on an individual computer/device. Any requirement to store data on an ongoing basis across sessions will need to involve your application server side.

localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies are all client storage solutions while Session data is held on the server where it remains under your direct control.

Free Online Tool for Resizing and Compressing Digital Photos and Images

JPEG-Optimizer is a free online tool for resizing and compressing your digital photos and images for displaying on the web in forums or blogs, or for sending by email. It is Completely Free of cost and no need to download any software.

Just visit

Google Adsense : Ad Sizes Available for Mobile

Mobile ads are available in the following formats:

For iPhones, Android phones and other high-end devices with full HTML browsers

How To Remove A JavaScript Event Listener From An HTML Element?

In this post, we are going to learn to detach or remove JavaScript event listener. If you want to know more about adding javascript event handler then please visit : How to add a JavaScript event handler to an HTML page element?

In that above link of post, we learn different types of adding event handlers. Depending on your methods of adding event handlers, you can remove them in several different ways.

Following ways are used to remove event listener from html element according to added event handler types :